Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Here I am back again, I have not posted since Friday and didn't even partake in Sunday Scribllings this week. I forced myself to take a break from my blog of a few days to catch up with many things that I needed to catch up on. Primarily, that was my house, it is now thoroughly cleaned and ready for autumn and winter. The weather has been warm and sunny the past two days, giving me the opportunity of washing lots of throws, curtains, quilts etc and hanging them out in the sun to dry, there is nothing as gorgeous as smelling or sleeping in outdoor sundried bedding. - Mmmm bliss! Also have been busy doing all sorts of small odds and ends, which although nothing by themselves, if left as I have done, become quite a list of things to do to wade through. Well all sorted now, and I have promised myself a couple of days of art and craft and am raring to go, with a few ideas buzzing in my head.

Above I have posted one of the ATC's I have done for a swap I am presently involved, in about favourites movies. This one is for The Wizard of Oz, hence the red glitter shoes, got to get the glitter in somewhere. They weren't difficult to work out the images for the cards, the difficulty was picking which of my favourite movies to represent, that took up the most time. I don't know if anyone will guess what movies they are from the cards, except, well two are pretty obvious. The ATC opposite is to symbolize the film Howards End. It is a film I adore, a Merchant Ivory Production, which are always so beautifully lush and rich, which is why I have gone for a very subdued portrayal of the film. Its a great book as well. The costumes in the film are just exquisite, and some of the scenes are actually framed around paintings, such as the scene in the beginning of the film with a lot of black and white in it and when it is raining.

The third card, opposite is obviously to portray Moulin Rouge. Believe me, when I first saw this film I remember thinking as it started, 'well I am either going to love or hate this'. Of course, I loved it, but I do find people either rave about it or can't stand it, there doesn't seem to be any halfway house. The way he mixed the modern and the true era in ambience and costumes just seemed to work so well.

It is just such an interesting concept to sum up the core ideas of a film on a piece of card 2.5 x 3.5 inches, it really gets your brain into gear. Some films seem to need to be portrayed sparsely, yet others can take everything and 'the kitchen sink'.

The last of my favourite movie ATC's is for Pride and Prejudice. I have tried to keep this card, pastel, with refence to an english rose and two, what I call, 'well mannered' words. I have tried to aim for a delicacy in it. This project has been such fun and these have to go in the post now to West Virginia, and I keep my fingers crossed that they get there before the 31st September, but they should do that.

My list of things to do now is basically, well I am continually stuffing material animals, and sewing parts of four more Daisy Faes, nothing else is finished because to build up stock I do this strange sort of system of taking every piece so far then a little further, so every article is at the same stage of making. It does seem to save time on the first batch, then after the first batch I make as needed. Next item to finish and get in the post before end of week are the parts of the chocolate swap I am crafting, and then do my 6x6 Friendship Piece.

I don't think I have mentioned this on the blog yet. I am hosting my first project. Wow... Fireworks explode, fanfares, bright lights, ... sorry that was my inner child getting over excited, but I am truly excitied to be doing this. It is called the Daisy Lupin Friendship Piece, there are seven of us and each month we are all producin a 6x6 fabric collage square. What it means is that at the end of seven months each one of us has made a piece for everybody else, and it is up to us all as individuals to decide how to use them, be it a miniquilt, a wallhanging or individual cushions or whatever. I will let you know how progress is going, because it is a long term thing and I thought it was a lovely means for seven people to get to know each other well. It's great there are three continents involved, I also like to think because I have called it a Friendship Piece Project that 'peice' could be swapped for 'Peace'. If it is a success I will run another one, maybe fabric collage again or maybe altered art.

There is this mad idea in my head that it would be a wonderful thing if I could get people of different cultures involved, imagine a 'pieced project' or 'peace project' that involved different religions and races in an effort to promote friendship and not war, a series of blocks of people swapping squares or collages. Am I mad? Well if anyone is interested and knows how this might be attempted let me know, its a lot better to communicate than fight and bomb. So please, if you don't think I am crazy, if you have the knowledge in how this could be workable get in touch.

Finally about the beautiful illustration above. I dug out of storage in the barn, a huge box of greetings cards that have been sent to one or another of my family over the past thirty years or more, I thought some bits might be useful for altered art. I did find some great stuff, however, I also found some lovely cards that are worth framing that I had forgotten about. The above is one of them Its about 30 years old and published by a company called Gallery Five in England. It is called a noteboard and is made of cardboard, and you just write on the back of them. There was a fad for these, if I remember correctly. The artist is named as Beshlie Heron, has anyone ever heard of her or her work? I am fascinated by the card, the plants and flowers are very true to nature drawings and yet it is whimsical at the same time. I would like to find some more of her work. I am also going to seach the net for her, but if you know of her come and tell me.


Janet said...

Wonderful ATC's! Ilove how you interpreted each of the movies. Your Friendship Piece is such a good idea and I hope you have good success with it. The illustration by Beshlie Heron is just beautiful. I love the delicate colors and all the little creatures. Great find!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Daisy, your ATC's are great, I sure hope I end up with at least one of them...although it's the luck of the draw. I LOVE LOVE Merchant Ivory films and period pieces(Sense and Sensibility, Howards End, P&P, all of those and more.....)I had so many on my list I ended up with more obvious ones. oh well, it was fun!!
I am nearly done with my first Friendship Piece and can't wait to start the next one...this was such a great idea and definitely the one you have about different cultures!!
and to make an already long comment longer.....altoid tins....I am going to email you about those. ok, done now. lol!

Miss Robyn said...

it is good sometimes to step away from blogger & recoup. I know I need to do it sometimes.
I love your cards - each one is delightful, what a lucky girl to be receiving those.
I am looking forward to this quilt project too and have started my first but am waiting to get to a store to buy some fabric to be able to print onto so that it can be washed.
what kind of fabric animals are you making? funny, I just pulled out my vintage patterns to make some for christmas and the animals caught my eye - ahh well, kindred minds think alike ! !
put me down for any future projects - I have an art dolly swap in mind - the goddess of your dreams

Beth said...

You go Daisy!! You have some great ATCs, your talent is awesome! And "Pride and Prejuidce" is one of my favorite movies too!
I almost have my quilt piece finished,,just a few finishing touches left.
I also love to hang my sheets and covers out on the line,,going to sleep with that fresh smell is heavenly!!
Take care Sweet Daisy!

Carole Burant said...

Glad to see you back and refreshed:-) It's always a good idea to let go of blogging for a couple of days when you have so much else to do...we don't realize just how much of our time it takes up!! Love your ATC's, I was amazed at the detail of each card and they all presented the movie so well! I've never heard of Beshlie Heron but her illustrations sure are beautiful!! Hugs xoxo

Miss Robyn said...

re my art doll - and a daisy girl! ooh and a lupin girl too xo
watch your post box in a week or so - I finally sent the package off !

Rosa said...

I just did my first ATC this weekend!! So fun and fast--well kinda, compared to other things, at least. Yours are beautiful. I'll have to send you one now that I'm making them. I collect cards too. I always have since I was little. Now I know why.

Pam Aries said...

Hello Daisy! My you are a busy bee! you know, I have been too literal with my movie ATCs..I was not thinking outside the box. One I didn't like and am reworking it. your's are great!

gma said...

Your movie ATC's are beautiful.
Really love all of them. This is going to be a fantastic swap.

Naturegirl said...

Loved all your photos but especially the LAST! So that's what goes on in my secret garden when I am away!That photo speaks loudly to me!!
I find it amazing how connections are made through this blog community!

Sigruns German Garden said...

Thats good, that you take y break from the blog, sometimes other things are more important. It is enough to blog each 3-4 days.


J C said...

Daisy your ATC's are wonderful. I saw the first one and didn't realize it was for the trade, and was going to ask if you wanted to trade one for it. LOL Well, I can always hope. I did a Moulin Rouge also. See...great minds run on the same road! It's quite different from yours. It's amazing how two people can take the same subject and see something entirely different in it. :)

VintagePretty said...

You've been a busy crafting bee! They're all great and many good-lucks with your friendship project.

Take care

KaiBlue said...

Wow..are you ever talented..
I love the ATC cards you've done..
I LOVE the idea of a PEACE anything!! I always sign *peace* before my name in the hopes one person will keep the thought with them..
I've got half of my friendship square done, I hope it'll be ok, my sewing isnt that great, but im trying.. TY again for the invite!!
PEace n hugs, Kai.

Tea said...

Love your art! And Howards End and Pride and Predjudice were fantastic movies.
That little card is so pretty. I`ve never heard of her either but would like to see more of her art.
Sure wish I could say I`d got all my fall cleaning done!


Gretel said...

I adore Beshlies work, that is a particularly fine piece, (I thought it was her when I spotted it) She is very elusive...I've googled her loads of times and I don't know what she is doing now. I have two lovely books by her, 'Traveller's Joy' and 'Snailsleap Lane' both by Gallery Five. You are the only other person I have 'met' who has even heard of her! Try ebay for the two books...by the way, it's you have to thank for my big autumn clean up...it inspired me and I couldn't get it out of my head. I am in the middle of the biggest tidy up I've ever had! It will be great - when it's done..

Tinker said...

Beautiful ATC's, Daisy. I love the idea of your Friendship Piece/Peace. I wish I were handier with sewing & that things were smoother right now; I would have liked to have at least tried. I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.

I love the idea of the collage Peace Project you're proposing. I don't know how it might be worked out, but I agree it's got to be better to trade art than gunfire.

Anonymous said...

Love the ATCs. My granddaughter Banna has a pair of Red Glitter Shoes she had them on while we were outside this morning.

Unknown said...

I can certainly provide you with more information about Beshlie Heron. My email is tim@brightoncityart.com

KCJ said...

11.0507 KCJ
I have just bought three of Belshie's prints. the Mountebank, the Morris Dancer and the chap.....?
The one where I can't read the details on the back of the frame has two mice - one with a little drum around his neck and drumsticks behind loooking at another with several scrolls. Does anyone know what it is called and what it is about?
They are very beautiful and before I saw them I'd never heard of Beshlie either.
Is there a gallery of all her work?.
My email is acacia_cottages@yahoo.com and I'm in Australia.

dueepjs said...

I read an interview of Beshlie Heron in the 19th July 1980 Woman's Weekly. There were her Country characters like the Morris Dancer and the mouse drummer boy.These treasures will be priceless one day and no one seems to know more about her works on the net.
Romany Wood and Snailsleap lane are two of her books.Incidentally she is a Romanie gipsy -A Traveller.