We are supposed to go out 'in the field' and loiter, watching people, until we find someone we can write a character sketch on. Imagining what they are doing etc etc. Well, I'm afraid I'm too busy to go into a town and hangabout and I can just see the bemusement if I was to loiter with intent in my village, with pen and pad, 'playing spies are we Daisy?'. So thinking laterally, and of course, creatively, a thought cloud pinged in my head and this is the result.
Remember, I told you about the country bus I sometimes take into the local town. To give you an idea, there is a 'straight the way there bus' which uses the A road and goes from the town through my village and onto the next market town, time taken thirty minutes. Then twice a day there is what I call 'the country bus' that winds pleasantly through the highways and byways, still going from one town to the other, time taken one hour and thirty minutes. This is a small bus, not too busy and I love to get it, no one but the people from the off the beaten track villages bother with it. I have it in mind one day, to travel the whole route on this bus and see where the regulars board and disembark, after all I am a great peoplewatcher.
However, back to the task in hand. There is a regular on this bus, on a Tuesday, that I have often mused about, so here is the description and what I think about him.

When I board the bus, he is always sitting on the second seat on the left-hand side, by himself. I have never seen him in any other seat. Do people know on a Tuesday that that is his seat and leave it for him or what? He never, ever speaks to anyone on the bus, but still has a cheery expression on his face. He always looks content and rather pleased with himself. He must be about eighty and he is certainly a dapper little chap. He is tiny, for a man, about 5ft 3ins, and very very slight, as though a puff of wind would blow him over. He has the most luxurious, beautiful pure white hair, always well brushed and slightly long at the back, just falling over his collar in a bohemian way. He has no beard but a spectacular, thick white moustache that turns up at each end. He has a windbeaten face with two rosy red apple cheeks, and he always carries a long beautifully marked wooden walking stick.
He dresses with the seasons, immaculate clothes, in summer he wears a cream linen suit of ancient design but beautiful cut and a panama hat. I have even seen him on occasion wearing spats. The other day he had on beautiful heavy cord trousers in a sort of loden colour, an incredible rust tweed, with tiny yellow flecks, jacket and his shoes are never dull but always highly polished, on this day they were brown brogues. On his head he wore a tweed hat. I noticed, as I was sitting opposite him that he wore mustard coloured wool socks, pulled very tight without any creases in them, they matched his mustard coloured waistcoat, underneath which he always wears a white shirt with a one colour checkline, that day it was pine green. He had a neckerchief tied around his neck. He summed up autumn in his attire. He never ever carries anything about but his stick, not like the other old men that look self important with their oldfashioned zippered shopping bags, or 'trolley boy' as the old ladies call him, a bad tempered old man who tries to demand a double seat to park his wheeled shopper, and shouts if anyone has to move it so they can sit down. Ah, once now I come to think of it he carried a countryman's flap over pouch bag once, you know the sort you can put game etc in

He gets off at the terminus in the bus station, and goes about his business. I once came home on the same bus as him. Not an item did he carry, just his walking stick, I often wonder what he does in the town, does he buy items that are delivered to his house or does he go to the library to read, I can't imagine that he comes in to go to the cinema, perhaps, he has a lady friend that he meets for coffee. Unless I happen upon him by chance, I can never know, I certainly would not dane to follow him, as he knows me from the bus, and that could be embarrassing.
I have spoken to him, a nod and a hello, for that is the country way, he has never answered me back, but does recognize me by flashing a smile at me, a smile that makes his eyes twinkle and crinkle. He is always on the Tuesday country bus and I am taking it for granted that everyone else sees him on it too not just me.
The above is a true description of an old man that gets that bus, he really doesn't communicate with people, but seems content, who knows he could be a wood elf or leprechaun for all I know.
The three cards above are the latest collages I have done. The first one is a collage postcard, for a swap I am involved in, This is called 'Every morning she comes early to feed her messenger birds'. The green ATC is called 'Social Butterfly' and the pale blue one is 'Victorian Fairy Dreams' these two are ATC birthday cards, for a birthday club I am in.

This afternoon I spent some time browsing art sites on the web, mostly ethnic or folk art sites. This wonderful sculpture opposite by Bill Worrell, took my breath away, I probably shouldn't have it on my site but I wanted to put it up there to encourage you to look at this man's wonderful work. Here is a link, I hope it works,
http://www.billworrell.com/ I suppose any of you who live in the US may already know his work, but it is completely new to me. I am totally in love with them. I also found some other wonderful sites, that bit by bit I will share with you, but at the moment I am so inspired by what I have been looking at that I need to go somewhere quiet, my front room lit by candlelight, probably to think deeply about the wonderful things I have seen today and what they are giving to me for my art.
Please excuse any dreadful typos or spellings today, as I am in a rush and can feel I am not concentrating properly when I read through, and my spell checker is having one its useless days quibbling with me all the time.

Don’t forget to join in Daisy Lupins’
Halloween Ghost Story Posting
Post a ghost story, something strange that happened
To you or a tale you want to tell
On 31st October, or as near to before
As possible.
Let’s have a Giant Story Circle
Halloween Ghost Story Posting
Post a ghost story, something strange that happened
To you or a tale you want to tell
On 31st October, or as near to before
As possible.
Let’s have a Giant Story Circle

This gentleman sounds like someone who, should you follow him home, would open a door in the trunk of a gnarled old tree, and disappear inside. I have a feeling that since you have observed him so closely, you will at some point have an unexpected connection to him.Then all will be explained.
I love your collages,do you write words for the inside of your cards too..?
Such wonderful powers of observation!
Perhaps that's the artist's eye, which you certainly have. LOVE the collages.
oh dear miss Daisy, your collages are so lovely and expressive!
I swear I could picture this man as I read your description...and frankly although I am sure it's not done, I would probably try to spark a conversation one day. He may have secrets to tell because he may only exist on Tuesdays.
"The Little Old Man of Autumn"
This frail gentle old fellow with a head full of white hair and his “long beautifully marked walking stick “can only be a poet living in the country and checking in at the library or school to give his readings to a class of flourishing poets and writers. From the description of his colorful attire attuned to the changing seasons and walking stick, it gives me to think he adores his long nature walks observing the countryside around him. A poet, writer or even artist is well known to have these attributes… but then again he could very well be a wood elf or leprechaun. Do try to strike a conversation with him…could be quite an interesting story.
So many wonder-filled thoughts are going through my mind from this intriguing post - with thoughts of intricate walking sticks; wood elves and leprechauns, that ride buses but only on Tuesdays; what could have been in the countryman's game bag...
You described him so well, I feel I would recognize him, as though I've really seen him - even though it's not a Tuesday.
Marvelous post, Daisy, and your new ATCs are lovely!
Daisyflower, your observation was wonderful. I want to know more about this sweet gentleman. The description was very intriguing and makes me want to ride that bus just to see him. And your collages........to die for!!!!! Especially the first one. I thought you had just posted someone's paintings..but you MADE that??? Absolutely awesome!
Daisy...This was a delightful description...would love to ride along on that bus. I always love your words and art.
Your detailed description of the gentelman on the bus is so explicit..you are a detective for sure making all those observations! You have said Hello now try "we should not be meeting this way!" see if there's a reaction we all want to know more about him!He dresses with so much style.I love the "early morning messenger" lovely work!
After reading your description of this mysterious gentleman, I can picture him perfectly in my mind. How I'd love to know his real story, what secrets and memories that he has!! I really enjoyed reading this post and I love all the cards you made, so very beautiful!! Hugs xox
I continue to enjoy your story telling and reporting talents! Your blog was one I read for a few months before I made the "commitment" to post comments. (Which led to having a blog of my own...in other words, Daisy, you got me into this!)
I always appreiciate your illustrations but especialally when they are your own lovely art work!
Your story and your ATC. Wonderful work Daisy!
I can just picture that little man Daisy! How intriguing. If only we knew what he was all about :)
Love your cards!
I, too, can picture this gentleman and he is either the Elven King or Merlin I think - perhaps he is living outside time? How intriguing he sounds. You've observed him so closely and described him so well.
I love Bill Worrell's work. Thanks so much for mentioning it. I especially like his cross images which is actually my favorite symbol. I noticed he had wearable art. It would be nice to find a cross pin or pendant. I'm going shopping.
I felt a giant inside smile when you added that you assume everyone else sees him and not just you. Such a sweet story that only confirms my dream to ride on such a country bus.
Your description of this man matches that of a sweet man in my church choir. He is 91 and always beautifully dressed and groomed. He has the sweetest tenor voice. I imagined him on your bus. :)
Love the ATCs.
hmmm come to think of it...I only see this gentleman on Wednesdays and Sundays. hmmm
What a wonderful description. I loved the collages, too
I love your story! I was wondering who the man was too, I thought he may be of the faery realm also ;)
And I love the collages. You are so talented, Daisy.
I can just imagine you playing spies - I guess some may think you are the village witch hee, hee.
Unfortunately I never seem to find the time to read all your scribblings Daisy, but I like coming in and looking at your pictures! One day when I don't have to work anymore (oh my that's in 22 years I guess, when I'm 65). I come here and read your whole blog, like a book!
I love watching people go by and wondering just who they are, what lives they lead and where they go ~ when I used to catch the bus there would be the ladies with the purple-rinses and the dapper gentlemen conversing, the angry-looking teens and the loners, quietly contemplating. People-watching is fascinating.
Did you want to be a part of the Bloggers' Breakfast on Friday? If so, all the info is on the site if you're interested in joining in!
what a wonderful story about life!
It just tells you every one is a story within.
your blog as always is an interesting one I enjoy reading very much.
I love your posting! I can see everything, you are such a great writer and your collage is beautiful. I have been riding in public transportation for years. I love you were able to write this story.
Question..Do you have any paramiters for your ghost writing circle?
Oh and I love the way you take us on your daily adventures.. you sound like you could be sitting next to my dad on one of the buses going about yorkshire..lol
Peace, Kai.
Oh, he is definitely of the fairy variety, and who is to say that fairies don't catch buses? I'm not so sure I'd say anything to him apart from 'hello'...for fear he may not be there the next week...
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