I wasn't going to join in with Sunday Scribblings this week, as I am so busy with various projects at the moment,then I started thinking I wanted to participate even if it was a really short piece. It's just that it wouldn't seem like Sunday to me, without posting on Sunday Scribblings and putting my two cents worth in.
I know the phrase your two cents worth, but here in the north of England, people used to say your 'three ha'pence'. I grew up hearing my family say 'your three ha'pence worth', and I have to admit it was mainly said to me. I must have been a terrible trial for adults when I was a child, for believe me, I had opinion about everything and an opinion that I had to voice out loud. I constantly heard, 'Oh there goes Daisy putting her three ha'pence in again.' School reports invariable said '...would do better if she didn't talk so much and have an opinion about everything that she wants to share with everyone.' How stifling is that, how can you learn about the world without giving your childish opinions on how you find it and listen to what other people say in return? I only ever had one teacher who wrote something along the lines of ...never try to repress this child's imagination or views, they are a gift.

When I became a parent myself, I allowed both my children to express their views about anything and everything. To ask questions and to discuss the answers. Two questions of their's have always stuck in mind. My daughter at seven years old asked me while skipping along shopping 'How do we know that we all see the exact same thing when we look at things? How do I know that that shop looks the same to me as it does to you?' Well that was a showstopper. I said what I thought and she quickly put in her two cents worth. My son's question was just as mind boggling, 'When we are sitting in this room how do we know there is still another room next door?', that one is almost 'the tree falling in the forest' theme'. Naturally, neither of them had an easy time at school, my son especially in secondary school was thought to be 'cheeky' the way he queried everything and voiced opinions, but to me they had enquiring minds, something, I am afraid that is not encouraged in the English education system anymore. See, that's me putting in my two cents worth.
My final two cents worth, is if people don't have opinions and question everything, including authority, how are we ever going to put the world to rights. Voicing your opinions means discussion, and discussion might mean not jumping straight away to violence and war. If you voice an opinion that is fanatical, it is better than just festering away in your mind, someone somewhere might be able to dissuade you of this opinion.
Yes, the photographs above are of myself as a child and of my two children who are now adults.

Oh, can I relate to this one! My parents taught me NOT to ask questions! They said it wasn't nice!! And my mom always wanted me to color inside the lines. Not a very creative upbringing!! Maybe that's why I struggle so to be creative now. (And I do struggle!)
I taught my kids to question everything and everyone! They are both extremely independent people and very intelligent...but not from anything learned in school!
I agree that violence is too often a "solution" to any disagreement no matter how small or big. And it never solves anything.
Your children's questions are truly thought-provoking! I remember wondering if we all saw the same colors - but not until I was in my teens. What precocious little ones - and how wonderful that you raised them to really think about things and not just accept the status quo. You've made some excellent points in this post. I enjoyed reading it.
p.s. The photos of you and your children are adorable!
hee, hee - when I asked the minister at Sunday school "who made God?" - my mother was asked not to bring me back. enquiring minds are so important - gee, I still have one and sometimes am persecuted for it. Great post ms*daisy xox
I love reading your thoughts... what a wonderful gift you have given your children - the freedom to be true to themselves. I was always the "difficult" child in the family... looking back I know it was because I was the one to always ask "why"!
Lovely post - I'm glad you felt compelled to Sunday Scribble again.
I also remember wondering if we all saw the same thing. We always heard the saying as 'threepence worth'.
I agree on the questioning, and forming and voicing opinions, so long as it's acknowledged that other people have the right to do the same, and that opinions often differ but they are nonetheless valid.
Lovely photos, too. You seem to have a wonderful collection of family photos.
Awww you were so adorable (still are!!) and your children were cuties too!! A lot of people hate it when children are curious and ask a lot of questions...I've always said "how are they supposed to learn if they don't ask questions?"! I always taught my boys to be open minded and not be afraid to ask a question...but to also realized that their opinion might not be someone's elses opinion so to respect it too! I was so shy growing up, I kept a lot to myself and barely dared to open my mouth...I didn't want my boys to be like that. Now as adults, I'm glad to see them put in their "two cents worth":-) Great post daisy!! P.S. You asked about the Cool Whip in my Sinful Pineapple Cake recipe...it's a dessert topping but I'm really not sure what you'd have over there as a substitute!! I'll have to check into that and get back to you!! *Hugs* xoxox
Hi Daisy and thank you for your supportive thoughts. Sorry this is so off topic from this SS but I don't have your email so must reply here.
It truly is grueling going through this and is a certainly a shared experience that we can all empathize with. We none of us want to go through it but the beauty of it is that when we do, we have that experience to effectively give emotional support to others. I lost my dad almost six years ago and his decline after his cancer returned was fast (a real blessing). I think the hardest thing is to watch the slow decline of my mom. Life has not been easy for her. I so wish that her passing would be easier.
Blessings and thanks to you,
Amen to that Daisy,,and thats my two cents worth!
I remember asking the same questions when I was a child. Not only did I not get an answer, but my parents thought I was strange. It's good to know that other children asked the same things.
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